Legalisation Lebanon

JuridConsult provides legalization services by the Embassy of Lebanon.

Handling Time:

5 working days

Tariffs of the Embassy:

Certificate of Origin: EUR 11.00

Invoice:  0.4% of invoice value (min. EUR 17.00, max EUR 1.374.00)

Other documents: EUR 55.00

Certificate of a Medical Product EUR 83.00


  1. Original document;
  2. Original should be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  3. Additional colour copy.


  • In case document is in Dutch it should be translated into English by sworn translator (JuridConsult can assist you with providing sworn translation of the Dutch document into English);
  • JuridConsult can assist you with the legalisation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • JuridConsult can assist you with arranging an additional colour copy.

For any further questions please let us know by contacting on or by phone +31 626 52 3008.

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